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Belaire Creative Sciences and Arts Magnet is committed to providing Excellence in Education for all students. Specially designed magnet programs provide unique learning experiences that promote academic achievement as well as personal and social growth. Belaire assumes a central role in the community by linking parents, alumni, local agencies, and businesses for the academic success of students. Belaire students graduate as lifelong learners who make valuable contributions to society. Through collaboration of school, home, and the community – every Belaire High graduate is prepared for the demands of the 21st century.

Program Components Include: 

- Engineering 

- Design and Animation 

- Coding and Robotics 

- Renewable Energy 

- Entertainment Technology 

- Dual Enrollment Offerings

- Radio Broadcasting 

- Professional Recording Studio



Call or visit the Magnet Program Office at

1050 South Foster Drive,

Baton Rouge, LA 70806


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This website was paid for with funds from the Magnet Schools Assistance Program (MSAP) Grant.

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